Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ken took the kids Miniture Golfing! 
They loved it!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Jakey calls Brianna's creamy poppy seed salad dressing, "Wedding Dressing." When I asked why he called it that he said because it is white!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

On July 25, I was walking through the kitchen, slipped on some water, fell forward and broke my humorous.  Ken was at work and the kids and I were here by ourselves.  After calling a few neighbors and no one answered, I sent the kids next door to the Gilberts for help. Sheila came to my rescue.  She gather neighbors to come over and help me get my arm stabilized and get me off the floor into the car.  Ken took me to the emergency room.  After 5 hours, they sent me home in a sling and my arm strapped to my body.  I was in a lot of pain until surgery.

August 3, I had surgery.  The doctor put a plate and screws in the spiral fracture to hold it all together.  After surgery and a bunch of pain medication, I was sent home in another sling.  I was out of it for almost a month.  Mom and Dad helped out with the kids and stayed with us for over 2 weeks.  The doctor said I would take at least 3 months for a full recovery.

Jakey and Kallee have been superheros through this whole thing.  Ken has been a great help and is getting good about doing my hair and Kallee's hair!  Ashlynn has also been a great helping with the kids and cleaning the house.  We had a bunch of different neighbors bring meals.  I am very grateful for all the help.

I am now about 2 months into this and I am slowing getting movement back into my arm.  It still hurts but is better everyday.  I start physical therapy tomorrow and I am excited to heal.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kallee and I were cleaning up toys outside.  I had to tip the firetruck on its side to get some stuff out and Kallee said, "Mom there is a spider web under the firetruck!  Mom, LITERALLY, there is a spider web under the firetruck!"  She makes me laugh!
Kallee told Jakey and I that she loves dance COMPLETELY! Jakey and I giggled for 5 minutes.
Kallee has a special imaginary friend named "Darrator (narrator)." She will often blame misdeeds on this friend or one of her stuffed animals!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tonight was Jakey's first Outdoor Soccer game and Ken is the coach.  Jakey did a great job and took the ball down the field by himself a few times and scored at least one goal!

Kallee took her pom-poms to the game all by herself.  She cheered for Jakey the whole game!  I love my monkeys!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ken took the training wheels off Jakey's bike tonight.  We thought it might take a couple of days to get him to ride on his own, but no...he got it the first night!  We were so proud.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Draper Police came to the kid's preschool today.  They were very proud to tell their teacher about Uncle Jerry who is a policeman!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jakey got to go to the first Utes game of the season with his Dad!  He was very excited and talked about it for a long time!