Sunday, August 29, 2010

Jakey was asking me for a bunch of things at the same time this morning. I explained I only have two hands and can only do so much at a time. He told me I could grow new arms out my shoulders...all I have to do is water my shoulders!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jakey told me today that he thinks we should get a motorcycle.  I told him we didn't have the money to buy a motorcycle.  He told me we should sell our cars and buy a motorcycle.  I told him to discuss it with his Dad when he got home (thinking Jakey would forget about it).  When Ken came through the door, Jakey told him, "Dad, we should sell our cars and buy a motorcycle!"

Friday, August 20, 2010

I told the kids we were going to watch our friend Madi cheer at a football game. Jakey asked if she was going to ride a motorcycle with a Care Bear!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yesterday, I was at the chiropractor with the kids. Jakey tells me he wants to tell me a secret so I lean down and he whispers mumbo jumbo words in my ear. I was laughing so hard which made him laugh!

Kallee is so pretty to me. Yesterday I bought her a pink head band and she was so excited, however Jakey wanted one too and keeps asking me for one!

Jakey and I were playing baseball tonight. He can hit the ball when I throw it to him! He is pretty good. However when I ask him to throw me the ball so I could hit it he did it two times and the ball didn't go where he expected and he said, "Mom I am not very good at this!" That made me sad, but I also thought it was funny because he only tried it twice.

Kallee was making up the funniest songs and signing them. One started, with a cow in a tree...I was laughing too hard to find out what happened next. While in the car today, she was singing about everything she saw, cars, trees, grass, flowers, parks...It was a beautiful song!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jakey loves cars! He points out all "GMC's" that he sees, all cars with the same make as ours (Nissan), and all cars that are just like his Dad's! He especially likes the "300 M" from Chrysler and will tell me when he sees one, "Mom I sure do like that car!"